Goodies in the post!

Its so exciting opening up parcels! We now have solid silver chain, which we buy by the inch, all different size links for our creations. The postman came this morning with a package, Toby and I were tearing at the wrapping !! - it was our hemp, you can see in the picture the wonderful colours We will use this probably in combination with our hand felted beads to make necklaces.
Great logo! Look forward to seeing how you'll use the silver chain in your jewellery.
Hi Yvonne, glad you could get through here at last! Silver chain costs a fortune, do you know anywhere good to buy it?
Ooo! I love ripping open parcels, even if I know what's inside!
Where can we view and order your jewellery, Penny?
Hi Sue, well our website wont be done for a few weeks yet, and anyway, when its done, its not an "add to cart" thingy, its more of a style guide, although some pieces will be available for sale.
We want to work in a more personal way, ie, you see somthing on the website that you like, and contact us to discuss your order, colours, price etc. For example, the thistle type felt button brooch (wed july 12th post)similar can be made in lots of different colour combinations with different centres, vintage buttons etc. They will range from £8 - £20 depending on what you want. Another example is the "blogging and beads" post, these kind of polymer clay beads, we can make in any colour, and create bracelets starting from around £5, we will also add other things in some, buttons etc.
We take paypal, cash, cheque. If you are wanting somthing before our website is up and running, email me,
with what you like and I can email you some images of things we have made already. Otherwise website should be done by end August.
Quite good wholesale, Some catches seem a bit cheap looking silver chain looks good though not sure how the prices compare
really excellent wire silver copper, plated, etc. no chain unfortunatly
I love opening parcels its so exciting, that hemp looks good.
The hemp looks incredibly fun! I am a package junkie myself (even if I am the one that ordered its contents). Have fun with it all!
Love the colours of the hemp yarn, would be great to embroider with- maybe use some plaited spirals to make flower heads too, as an applique..... Niki.x
Hi Penny and Toby, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I have had a look at your jewellery and think it is wonderful. I do wish you luck with it and your eventual website. I am investigating designers for one myself for my vintage fabrics. I just wish I had the know how to do it myself!
Hi Joanna, thanks for those links, thats really helpful, we will investigate further.
Nikki, thanks for coming to have a look at our blog. I think the hemp would look good as spirals too, at the moment we are designing necklaces with it.
Dons, re websites, I kind of designed mine, visually/contentwise, and sent all of the info to a friend who is building it for us. We took all the photo's, chose the colours, fonts, designed logo, wrote the blurb etc, and said exactly what we wanted. Then Yvonne does all the technical side. We did exactly the same with my work website
Are you looking for someone to do it all, or just the building part of your vintage fabric website?
Hi Penny
Thanks for your comments-how long does it normally take for you to make a bracelet? I would quite like one for my Mum's birthday present.
Holly :-)
P.S Fab logo
Hi Holly, depends on what it is!
We have made alot already for the website, if you email me with colours you like, I can email you some pics+prices to look at.
We can make a polymer clay bracelet (like the ones in the pic "blogging and beads" post) this week, for £5 plus p+p. Those with buttons and glass beads are a little more, or vintage buttons and beads quite alot more expensive.
Toby is on holiday from Saturday for nearly 2 weeks, so I wont be making any more new designs while he is away.
Afraid we dont have any labels yet. Hopefully we will get everything organised, inc website, by end August.
Thanks Holly, its really encouraging to get interest from someone who doesnt even know us!! Toby will be chuffed to read this when he gets home from climbing.
my email is:
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