Natural Attrill Logo

Toby and I designed this logo which we will use for labels for our jewellery, not sure wether to make them ourselves or have them printed, if they are printed we would like them to look really good on handmade or recycled card perhaps, any recommendations?
Sybille has added our little banner to her jewellery blog as a link to ours, see
We scanned torn brown wrapping paper and found a handwritten font, called "barbies jelous sisters" at This style will also be used for our website, so its all coordinated.
I had better go and do some "real" work, I am painting artwork for a christmas card, a commission from Hambledon Studios (wholesale side of Hallmark) As an illustrator I work in the name of Penny Johnson, my maiden name, incase anyone wonders why its not Attrill!
Love the logo, chaps! And thanks for the link for the font...I've just been there and have downloaded several really nice ones!
Lovely logo love the brown paper. I hvae been printing my own labels all though my printer is a complete moo. I do need to look into having them printed probably.
Great logo
I love the plaited spirals as well
love it, just linked you as well.
Ment to ask how did the shop go? Hope they are stocking them for you.
Thanks everyone for the compliments and linking. Let me know if you want us to link yours to our blog as I think I can just about manage to do it now (being a computer whizz kid , not!)
Joanna, shop went great, they have chosen things they like and are helping us with lots of technical tips and advice too, I will write about it on the blog soon.
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