That there beady thing hanging off of a mug stand

I bought a mug stand in our local Sue Ryder charity shop, and painted it black to use as a jewellery display. It is now modelling one of my necklaces! A new bead shop has recently opened up in the centre of town, which is where i bought the large opalescent glass bead in the middle of the necklace, it is flanked by reclaimed freshwater pearls, vintage and new glass beads, and peacock coloured seed beads, finished off with a sterling silver clasp. It is quite a short necklace.
If anyone is intrested in it, it is £12 plus p+p. Please email me at
Very smart Toby, and the mug stand is a great idea.
What a good idea the mug stand is. How exciting a new bead shop, I just love beads.
Is there any room in your space for more beads Toby????? that is a very nice milky bead, reminds me of an opal.
This is beautiful Toby. One of my favorite things you've done.
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