Not for you this time!

Guess what, we had a record number of 21 comments!
So, COME ON folks, beat the record !! - everyone who visits here, please click on the word 'comment' below, and enter this draw to celebrate our 300th post.
This time, sorry - no present for you, instead we have decided to donate £10 to the winners chosen charity.
Please leave the name of your favourite charity in the comments section, and if possible an address/phone number/website (so we know where to send the donation).
For anyone who has problems with blogging, you can email your entry to us, ( and we will add it to the comments box, and therefore to the draw, for you.
The draw will take place on Sunday 27th April.
Penny and Toby.
Jewellery website:
hello penny and toby! congratulations on your 300th post. here is my entry for the draw and my chosen charity.
i love to stop by your blog whilst browsing the web and like to see where you have been and what toby has created. dx.
Nice idea you two - put me down for it. My charity is the Down's Syndrome Association. Good luck collecting lots of comments!
What a brill idea! My charity of choice is the Royal National Lifeboats Institute.
Now to browse your blog....
Hey, good idea!
Kind of hard to pick one charity, but today I'm gonna say:
I also like the Challenge jeweler project below! Well done!
300 posts, wow!
This is a lovely gesture. If my name comes out of the hat, then I would of course choose Cancer Research UK :)
(sorry if I've posted this already, I had problems with my internet and this is my third try!)
I've just learnt how to do clam tips on my jewellery :D
great idea!!!!
hope I win and i'd like the £10 to go to IFAW charity
Well done on your 300th, excellent idea this.
Whoops forgot to say ILPH please - International League for the Protection of Ponies & Horses.
I have not been keeping up with comments of late, I've been having tomany late nights helping k with his diy, the end is in sight but it has worn me out. What interesting things you have been up to. Love the look of the jewelary course. Would love to do that. I have been eyeing up enamelling kilns on ebay. I can never decide on a favourite charity, there are so many good causes. So if I was to win please donate to the charity of your choice. Well done on your 300th post!
Toby looked like he was having fun at his workshop.
If I win please donate to RNIB -Royal National Institute of the Blind
Hello Toby and Penny, Congratulations on 300 posts!
I would like to nominate WSPA charity, especially for the work they do to save bears from bile farming, and from being forced to dance.
Thanks for a great way to celebrate.
Perhaps you'd consider donating to a nonprofit organization? Technically speaking, Project Gutenberg isn't a charity, but it is dedicated to the greater dissemination of knowledge throughout the world. And they could always use some extra funding.
Thanks... this is a great idea!
300th post already you guys!! Well done!! My charity is Greenpeace....(load of bloody hippies!!!)
Great idea and well done on 300th post : ) I love looking to see what new things Toby is making/learning to make : )
Charity is hard to pick - there are so many I'd want to support. Today's choice is Shelter:
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