The above fly is now dead. he fell off of his nice gold mount in hastings, and has never been found! Nice while he lasted though. I made the base by melting down some old gold jewellery, rolling it out into a "pancake" drilling a hole in it and soldering a piece of balled wire i had made earlier (quoting from blue peter there! lol!) through it. I then drilled a hole in the top, of the pendant, and the chest of the coral fly. Then i glued the fly on the post that the balled wire had made.
Jet powered snail chasing featured an unfinished version of the above jet pendant. Last jewellery course i set the cubic zirconia in it, and drilled the hanging hole.

These are the blobs of silver in various stages of rolling out from when i melted down ALL my scrap silver. In some of the rolled out pieces you can see some naturally occuring bubbles, 2 of which are featured in the handle of my half-finished sixpence spoon.
You mean you lost that gorgeous little fly? What a shame - someone in Hastings will be over the moon when they find that! That jet pendant is simply beautiful, so classy and understated - well done.
What a shame about the fly! It looks so cute.
Love the jet pendant, very stylish and subtle.
Can't wait to see what you make next.
So, your fly buzzed off? What a shame, he looked so smart.
Love the textural blobs in the silver pieces.
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