Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Avalon gallery of Marazion...

......Has just taken some of my work!! They are a small gallery in Marazion, which is near Penzance Cornwall, and they have been open scince 1991! - here is some info. about them....
Above are a few of my pieces that they have.
If anyone's near there, please pop in and tell us how my jewellery's looking!


Blogger Deb said...

congratulations toby! dx.

4/25/2009 10:33 PM  
Blogger Caroline B said...

That top necklace is rather pretty! Well done in getting another shop to stock your jewellery - certainly wish I was in Penzance in all this sunshine to go and have a look..

4/26/2009 9:47 AM  
Blogger Magpie Magic said...

Lovely new stuff. It's so cool you now have an 'outlet' in Cornwall too. What's next? Paris? New York? ;-)

Well done!

4/26/2009 3:25 PM  
Blogger MissT said...

Lovely to see that things are going so well - and lovely pieces as always.

When I have a moment, I have some little bits and pieces to send you to commission a piece - I'll send you an email once I've sorted it out.

Hope the beginning of a new term hasn't been too much of a shock to the system. xxx

4/28/2009 9:32 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I will go and see them and you never know, might buy some xx

4/28/2009 11:09 AM  

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