'Penny necklace'

Toby made me the most wonderful necklace for Christmas, it is about 5 foot long, knotted on various shades of hemp, which I wind around my neck a few times ( see the top image). When I am not wearing the necklace, it hangs on the kitchen wall in one long line and looks really pretty. What makes it extra special, are some of the elements knotted onto it. Many of them have memories for me. In the bottom image you can see some close up, for example, 'Bubble beads', these are the 2 creamy coloured handfelted beads, made from our cat 'Bubble's fur!! There is a tiny pencil, Laurence, (my husband and Toby's Dad) often has little pencils behind his ear when he is working, making things, and this is one of them, from Ikea, and he drilled a hole in the end so it could be strung onto my necklace. There is a black bead, this is made from volcanic ash, we bought a string of them on our holiday in Lanzarote, to break up for Toby's jewellery designs. Bottom right is one of the many stones with holes that Toby and I collected on the beach in the Isle of Wight this year. There are so many elements, vintage crystal beads, old keys, curtain rings, hooks and eyes, poppers, parts of suspenders! pretty buttons people have given us, pieces of chain, it goes on and on, it's quirky, unusual and pretty, I am SO pleased with it.
Thank you Toby!!