We have made some knotted jewellery for our 'virtual' friend, Sybille, see her blog here:
http://magpiemagic.blogspot.com/ After Sybille chose the colour of hemp she liked (from the photo we posted on our blog ages ago) Toby and I sorted through a vast collection of buttons and beads and laid out a selection that complimented the cord. I knotted up the little raspberry coloured bracelet, which is adjustable in size, it has a loop at one end and buttons to hook over at the other. Toby made the green lariat which can be worn as a necklace or wound round the wrist 3 times as a bracelet.
Sybille hand knitted me this wonderful scarf, it is striped, black, long, and really soft, made from various wools which I am afraid I dont know the names of, but Sybille will tell you if you ask. It arrived in the post yesterday morning and I have been wearing it ever since! Our house is quite cold (we dont have central heating) and so it is lovely to wear my new scarf in my studio.
Laurence commented that I'd be wearing a hat indoors next! so of course I went and put one on, but that was just too hot, and I couldnt hear properly, so it came off, but the scarf stayed, and I have been wearing it all day today as well (I did take it off to go to bed last night though!) There was also a suprise present with my scarf , that cute little beaded stick pin. Sybille will take commissions for hand knitted scarves when she has the time, ( I am after a green one next!!)best to contact her direct to discuss wools, colours, prices etc, and take my word for it, they are beautiful.
Incase you are wondering about Toby, and what he gets out of this, well, he and I have an agreement. He is doing really well with his jewellery business, and I help him with various things, lending him money for materials, sorting out paypal, writing emails sometimes, packaging and posting, I am the Natural Attrill taxi servive for deliveries to shops and also general helper, etc. If I want a piece of his jewellery for myself, or to give to someone as a present, he will (usually!) make it for me. This time Toby has also been after my old scarf, which is actually quite new, it's a mans, long, very soft, and dark green, which he is now has!